MacWorld 1999 July
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\ Window class.
\ May 91 mrh Added NonScrollWind.
\ Default grow and drag limits set at grow and drag time.
\ Also fixed a number of long-standing bugs in draw:, enable:, disable:
\ etc. New: deactivates current window. Added PenIntoWind:.
\ Nov95 JRF Option to not outline unused scroll bars
\ ===================================
\ WINDOW is the basic window class, with no controls.
\ For windows with controls, use Window+.
\ ===================================
:class WINDOW super{ grafPort }
{ $ 20 bytes wind1 \ unmapped
handle CTLLIST \ 1st ctl
$ 0C bytes wind2 \ unmapped
rect CONTRECT \ true content
rect GROWRECT \ grow size rectangle
rect DRAGRECT \ drag limits rect
bool GROWFLG \ true if growable
bool DRAGFLG \ true if draggable
bool ALIVE \ true if space exists
bool SCROLLFLG \ true if scrollable
bool COLOR? \ true if this is a color window
x-addr IDLE \ idle handler
x-addr DEACT \ deactivate event handler
x-addr CONTENT \ content handler
x-addr DRAW \ draw handler
x-addr ENACT \ activate event handler
x-addr CLOSE \ close handler
int RESID \ resource id
bool ClipGrowLeft \ Nov95 JRF Option to not outline unused HScroll
bool ClipGrowTop \ ditto unused VScroll -- DrawGrowIcon normally
rect thefprect \ 17Dec98 DBH - we now save fpRect here over
\ a DRAW:, rather than in the stack which
\ makes the Mops stack display look strange.
ptr ^view_in_focus \ points to view which gets keys etc.
:m SETLIMITS: \ Sets GrowRect and DragRect to reasonable default values
\ according to the current screen size at the time the grow
\ or drag is done. Programs such as SteppingOut can change
\ the screen size while a window is open!
screenbits put: dragRect
40 40 getBot: dragRect put: growRect
4 4 inset: dragRect ;m
:m ?SETFPRECT: \ Sets fPrect if scrollFlg is true. fPrect is needed by
\ the nucleus for scrolling fWind, before proper window
\ handling is loaded. But it can be used for scrolling
\ text in any other window as well, if scrolling is enabled
\ for that window.
get: scrollFlg IF get: contRect put: fPrect THEN ;m
:m ?DISABLE_ACTW: \ Deactivates the currently active window before a New:
\ or GetNew: call, if there is a currently active Mops
\ window.
?disable_actw 0 -> actW ;m
:m InitNewWindow:
setContRect: [self]
set: self initfont true put: alive
cls ;m
:m PenIntoWind: \ Moves the GrafPort pen back into the window area if
\ necessary, after the window has been resized.
\ Actually at the moment we only worry about the vertical
\ direction.
@xy bottom min gotoxy ;m
\ Grow icon methods:
:m SETCLIPGROWLEFT: put: clipgrowleft ;m \ Nov95 JRF
:m SETCLIPGROWTOP: put: clipgrowtop ;m \ Nov95 JRF
:m DRAWGROW: { \ l t r b -- } \ Nov95 JRF rev.
get: growFlg 0EXIT
get: clipgrowleft get: clipgrowtop OR
NIF noClip
@xy ^base DrawGrowIcon
getRect: self -> b -> r -> t -> l
get: clipgrowleft IF r 15 - ELSE 0 THEN
get: clipgrowtop IF b 15 - ELSE 0 THEN
r b put: tempRect clip: tempRect
@xy ^base DrawGrowIcon
gotoxy noClip ;m
:m ERASEGROW: { \ l t r b -- }
get: growFlg 0EXIT
getRect: self -> b -> r -> t -> l
r 13 - b 13 - r b put: tempRect
clear: tempRect ;m
:m SETCONTRECT: \ Sets ContRect to the viewing area. Must be public since
\ we late-bind to it, and it gets called from ObjInit anyway.
get: portRect get: growFlg
IF swap 15 - swap 15 - THEN put: contRect
?setfPrect: self ;m
get: alive 0EXIT
^base CloseWindow
^base actW = IF 0 -> actW THEN \ If this was the active window, it
\ isn't any more
clear: alive exec: close ;m
:m RELEASE: close: [self] ;m \ Standard destructor - same as close.
:m SET: \ Makes this wind the current GrafPort. It used
\ to call setContRect: but there's really no need.
set: super
?setfPrect: self ;m
:m UPDATE: \ Generates an update event for the window with its
\ entire port rectangle as the update region.
pushPort set: self
getRect: self put: tempRect update: tempRect
popPort ;m
:m NEW: { bndsRect tAddr tLen procID vis goAway \ s255 -- }
\ Defines a new window on the heap with the specified features.
\ Not resource based.
get: alive ?EXIT \ Out if already alive
bndsRect ->: contRect \ save rect locally
?disable_actW: self
tAddr tLen str255 -> s255
^base addr: contRect s255
vis 1 and
inFront goAway 1 and
0 \ default is initially in front
get: color?
IF NewCWindow ELSE NewWindow THEN drop
initNewWindow: self ;m
:m GETNEW: \ ( resid -- ) Resource based new window.
get: alive IF drop EXIT THEN \ Out if already alive
?disable_actW: self
dup put: resid ^base inFront
get: color?
IF GetNewCWindow ELSE GetNewWindow THEN drop
initNewWindow: self ;m
:m GETVSRECT: \ ( l t r b -- l' t' r' b' )
\ Returns the default vert. scroll bar rect.
get: portRect >vrect ;m
:m GETHSRECT: \ ( l t r b -- l' t' r' b' )
\ Returns the default horiz. scroll bar rect.
get: portRect >hrect ;m
(* The DRAW: method is called, late-bound, whenever a window is updated.
The implementation must begin with a BeginUpdate call and end with an
EndUpdate call. We use the CallFirst/CallLast mechanism to ensure this,
and also to draw the grow icon if this is a growable window. This means
that any redefinition of DRAW: in a subclass should not call DRAW: super,
since this would lead to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate being called more than
once. So we define another method (DRAW): to do the actual work for DRAW:,
and subclasses which need their own versions of DRAW: may call (DRAW):
:m (DRAW): \ Does the main work for DRAW:.
savePort @xy set: self \ Save port and pen posn, reset to this
\ window
exec: draw \ Call user draw routine
restPort gotoxy \ Restore pen posn, restore original port
get: fPrect put: thefprect \ 17Dec98 DBH - Save fPrect as it might get changed
^base BeginUpdate
drawGrow: self
^base EndUpdate
get: thefprect put: fPrect \ 17Dec98 DBH - Restore fPrect
callFirst setup_draw:
callLast windup_draw:
:m DRAW: (draw): self ;m
:m SELECT: \ Makes this the front window.
^base SelectWindow
?setfPrect: self ;m
(* The idle: method is called for the frontmost window, whenever a null
event occurs. NULL-EVT is the normal word which sends idle:. In
subclasses we redefine this method to do things like calling TEidle,
which have to be done periodically. The Idle handler is also called,
which allows a window-specific action to be taken. In the class Window
itself, this is all we do.
:m IDLE: exec: idle ;m
:m SETIDLE: put: idle ;m
:m ENABLE: \ Handles an activate event.
set: self
drawGrow: self
exec: enact ;m
:m DISABLE: \ Handles a deactivate event.
eraseGrow: self
exec: deact ;m
:m ACTIONS: \ ( close enact draw cont 4 -- )
\ Sets up window event handler words. We require
\ an xt count as this is normal for actions: methods.
4 ?#xts
put: content put: draw put: enact put: close ;m
:m SETACT: \ ( enact deact -- ) Sets just the activate/deactivate
\ event handlers
put: deact put: enact ;m
:m SETDRAW: \ ( xt -- ) Sets the draw handler
put: draw ;m
:m SETCOLOR: \ ( b -- ) Sets the color? flag.
put: color? ;m
:m ACTIVE: \ ( -- b ) Is this window active ?
FrontWindow ^base = ;m
:m ALIVE: \ ( -- b ) Is this window alive?
get: alive ;m
:m DRAG: \ Handles a drag region click
setLimits: self \ Omit in subclasses which need
\ custom drag limits
get: dragFlg 0EXIT
^base whrFEv addr: dragRect
DragWindow ;m
\ Some housekeeping routines for Size: and Zoom:
:m ClrOldBars:
getVSrect: self 16 + put: tempRect
clear: tempRect update: tempRect \ Including the grow box
getHSrect: self put: tempRect
clear: tempRect update: temprect ;m
:m FixNewBars:
ClrOldBars: self \ Yes, the code's the same so far!!
addr: portRect ClipRect
setContRect: [self]
penIntoWind: self ;m
:m SIZE: { wid ht -- } \ Resizes window and accumulates update regions.
^base wid ht true
ClrOldBars: self
FixNewBars: self ;m
:m SETSIZE: size: self ;m \ For naming consistency with Rects and
\ Views.
:m MOVE: { x y -- } \ Moves the window.
^base x y
0 \ don't bring to front - leave where it is
MoveWindow ;m
:m CENTER: { \ sw sh pw ph -- }
\ Centers the window on the screen.
\ Yeah, I know, here in Oz we spell this "centre", but we Ozzies
\ are more flexible than the Yanks, so we'll magnanimously do it
\ their way, not ours.
screenbits -> sh -> sw 2drop
size: portRect -> ph -> pw
sw pw - 2/ sh ph - 2/ move: self ;m
:m ZOOM: { part -- }
^base whrFEv part TrackBox
IF getRect: self put: tempRect tempRect EraseRect
^base part 0 ZoomWindow
FixNewBars: self
:m GROW: \ Handles a mouse-down in the grow box.
get: growFlg
IF setLimits: self \ Omit in subclasses which need
\ custom grow limits
^base whrFEv addr: growrect
GrowWindow \ returns a packed point, or 0
IF unpack ( wid ht ) size: self ( draw: self )
penIntoWind: self
^base SelectWindow
update: self ;m
:m CONTENT: \ Handles a content click.
active: self
IF exec: content
ELSE select: self
:m TITLE: \ ( addr len -- ) Sets the title of the window.
str255 ^base swap SetWTitle ;m
:m NAME: ( addr len -- ) title: self ;m \ An alias for TITLE:.
:m GETNAME: \ ( -- addr len ) Returns name of window.
^base buf255 GetWTitle
buf255 count ;m
:m MAXX: \ ( -- x ) Returns the x coordinate value corresponding to
\ the window being moved to the right of the screen.
screenbits drop nip nip
size: portRect drop - ;m
:m MAXY: \ ( -- y )
screenbits nip nip nip
size: portRect nip - ;m
\ =================
:m KEY: \ ( c -- ) May be used in subclasses to do something with
\ typed keys. Here, we just drop it.
drop ;m
:m SHOW: ^base ShowWindow ;m
:m HIDE: ^base HideWindow ;m
:m SETGROW: \ ( l t r b T | F -- ) Sets grow limits, if boolean is true.
\ Note: in class Window itself, we IGNORE these grow limits and
\ use a default value based on the size of the screen at the time
\ the grow is actually done.
dup put: growFlg
IF put: growrect THEN ;m
:m SETDRAG: \ ( l t r b T | F -- ) Sets drag limits.
\ Note: in class Window itself, we IGNORE these drag limits and
\ use a default value based on the size of the screen at the time
\ the drag is actually done.
dup put: dragFlg
IF put: dragRect THEN ;m
:m SETSCROLL: \ ( b -- )
put: scrollFlg ;m
xts{ null null null null } actions: self
['] null dup put: idle put: deact
true put: scrollFlg true put: dragFlg ;m
:m MARKALIVE: \ A special method really intended just to allow us to
\ mark fWind alive on startup.
true put: alive ;m
:m TEST: \ Fires up a test window.
100 100 300 200 put: tempRect
screenbits true setGrow: self
tempRect " Test" docWind true true new: self ;m